Our knowledgable therapists offer a variety of services, including:
We are privileged to walk with you in your personal journey. We use Evidenced Based Therapies in a personalized and client-centered way. We work to create a warm and accepting environment for people of all backgrounds who are looking for a little more support in their lives.
Our collaborative goal is to provide our communities with quality, holistic, and systemic support. We believe that there are intrinsic strengths in each individual, and that when we can reduce the effects of trauma, unhelpful narratives and oppressive environments disconnecting us from these strengths and ourselves, that we can then live more full and satisfying lives.
"Being alive means engaging in a continual process of transformation. Nothing in the natural world stays the same. Everything shows signs of being in relationship with its environment. Trees cannot deny the effects of a forest fire. Rocks do not try to hide the smoothness that results from the relentless pounding of waves upon them. Icebergs do not feign being untouched by the rising temperatures of our planet.
Yet we humans try to defend ourselves against the inevitable changes. Aging. Loss. Grief. We spend so much of our resources chasing some external solution to our internal discomfort. We have such difficulty sitting with the feelings that, if felt all the way through, could renew us. Release us. Transform us.
Our transformation depends on our ability to sit with and accept the feelings that arrive with the truth. Not our version of how we wish life would be and not the version of reality that we need to be true in order to justify how we are living. Just the honest truth. How it lands with us in this moment. What it means for our life. Right here, right now." Chani Nicholas